Celebrating Love and Kindness

February is known as the month of love. Hearts and candy. Flowers and cards. It seems that everywhere you look there’s a symbol of love, but Valentine’s Day is more than romance and goodies. It is about celebrating the power of love and connection, friendship and kindness. Here is a list of activities to do with your child to celebrate love all month long!

1. Gratitude List - Create a list of people/animals that you’re grateful for. How do these people bring joy into your life? How do you feel when you spend time with them? What are some of your favorite memories?

2. Acts of kindness - Just like the popular quote, “It’s cool to be kind” remember to lead with kindness. Give a compliment, say hello, share a snack, help your grown up, friend, sibling, or teacher. Random acts of kindness go a long way. For a fun song/video check out Kindness is a Muscle on YouTube.

3. Practice Self Love. Say 3 nice things about yourself in the mirror. I am ______ (kind, friendly, brave, helpful, smart). “I am” are 2 of the most powerful words that can shape a person’s mindset. Our thoughts become our reality so focus on the positive!

4. Community Cards - Making valentines for friends and family is a special way to celebrate! This simple craft idea expands beyond your child’s inner circle of family, friends, classmates and into the community. Cut out paper hearts from construction paper and on the front write “Thank you for all you do” and on the back “We appreciate you!” Have your child decorate the hearts with stencils, glitter, markers, stickers-get creative! Once the cards are completed pick a day to deliver them to members in the community (first responders, librarian, cashier, mailman, store clerk, etc.) This simple craft will bring so much joy to its recipients! One of our favorite books, The Day it Rained Hearts by Felicia Bond is a great book to pair with this activity.

5. Yoga - These simple poses open the heart chakra (chest) to invite in light and love. The book I am Love: A Book of Compassion (I Am Books) by Peter H Reynolds is a great companion to this activity. The book talks about the meaning of love and kindness.

  • Cat/Cow Pose: Begin on your hands and knees. Next round your back and tuck your chin into your chest as if you are a cat. Then look up, arch your back and open your chest into Cow Pose.

  • Cobra/Updog: Lie on your tummy. Place the palms of your hands next to your shoulders and lookup. Slowly straighten your arms and open your chest. It is okay to keep arms bent as well.

  • Bridge Pose: Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Rest your arms alongside your body, tuck your chin into your chest, and lift your back to create a bridge.


  • Camel: Take this pose slowly and feel your heart open. Get on your knees, lean back slowly, and place your hands on your lower back or ankles. Tilt your head back, open your chest, and breathe.

  • Bow Pose: Lie on your tummy, bend your knees, and lift your chest. Reach your arms back toward your toes and hold onto your feet. Let your heart shine!

We hope you enjoy celebrating this special day with your loved ones. WE LOVE YOU!!! Happy Valentine’s Day!


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