Parent Support Groups

It takes a village.

Current Classes

Mindful Mommies (for moms of babies 0-3 months, babies can attend)

Sessions running every 6 weeks, see schedule below for registration information or contact

  • Meeting Mondays 11:30am-12:30pm

  • Session dates: see below!

  • Led by Little Beats Teacher and mom of 3, Katrine Kanner

  • Expert Guests including IBCLC, sleep expert & pelvic floor PT

  • Build connections with others who can relate to what you’re going through

  • Take special time and space for reflecting and honoring your experience

  • Be empowered as you get to know your baby and learn how YOU can best support their development

*PLEASE NOTE: You are seeing a filtered view of Parent Support Groups only. For a full view of all classes, events, and camps running, click here.



