Supporting your child's Vestibular System

In this video, Holly presents an activity that helps to develop the vestibular system. The vestibular system is where all sensory and spatial information is passed through. While caregiver moves baby through a variety of motions, the vestibular system processes sensory input and allows the baby to regulate and make sense of the world around them.

A strong vestibular system will help your baby with balance and spatial awareness. Just a simple up and down movement will create a reaction in their body and show that not all movements are linear.

Have an older child!? They are still working on the development of their vestibular system. If you have ever wondered why your child might like to hang upside down or spin around in circles until they are too dizzy to stand, the vestibular system is your answer! Other ways you could help develop this system in your baby or toddler is by rocking them back and forth, sliding down a slide with them, or even creating an obstacle course that focuses on balance.


The Importance of Imaginative Play