Feel the Music & Dance with your Baby!

Sometimes the idea of being a novice gets in the way of us trying something new!  For new adult participants in our studio classes, it can feel daunting to dance alongside their child in front of a group of adults.  Though it may feel a bit awkward and strange, dancing with your baby has so many benefits and the best way to start is somewhere where you’re comfortable – at home!

Benefits of dancing with baby:

  • Dancing with your baby strengthens your bond! Not only are you physically close, when you are dancing, you are focused on each other.  It is a great time to practice eye contact and different facial expressions.

  • Music is critical to development. Music wakes up the senses, exposes baby to language and helps with emotional regulation.

  • Moving is beneficial for you!  Even 5 minutes of bouncing to your favorite tune can make a difference for your overall mood and energy level.

How to get started:

  • Turn on your favorite songs and just groove! Though we love children’s music, babies should be exposed to all genres.  Hopefully your child will start to like some of your favorites so you can avoid listening to “Wheels on the Bus” on repeat every time you get in the car. (No promises on that one!)

  • You don’t have to become a choreographer to get your kiddo moving…use guided movement songs! As you can see in this video, Holly is using a guided song that tells her exactly what to do. This is also beneficial to little ones because they can pair language with movement. Read on for some of our favorites guided movement songs.


Body Positivity and Self-Concept through Song


What is audiation?