Body Positivity and Self-Concept through Song

Teaching Body positivity may seem like a large concept for your child to grasp, but using a song like "Elephant Have Wrinkles" can help children to develop body awareness and understanding. Understanding your body in relation to others and the world is important to positive self-concept and starting this process at a young age can assist with building confidence as kids grow older.  

Using positive words about your child can establish a positive self-concept. The song "Elephants Have Wrinkles" by Mike Whitla can help to start the conversation. Before starting the song have your child guess what animal you are thinking of, as shown in the video, and then go on with the activity. After the song is concludes, ask your child "Elephants have wrinkles...What's something that people have?" Their response can be as simple as "a nose" or as complex as "feelings." It is really dependent on what your child is thinking about in the moment.

From there you can foster a conversation about how everyone might have a nose, but they are all beautifully different. You can ask them to describe their nose or whatever body part chosen on them or you and you can compliment them and give them some positive feedback.

If their thought more abstract, like the feelings example, that conversation can be led in a similar way. Remind your child that everyone experiences feelings and check-in with how they are feeling that day.  Give examples of how certain things make you feel and ask them to do the same. All of these conversations can help build a positive self-concept!

Songs that focus on positive self-concept:

  • Just Be - Kira Willey (body awareness and calming your body)

  • My Energy - The Laurie Berkner Band (encourages self-confidence)


Expert Spotlight: Dr. Mariam Taha, PT, DPT, CSCS